Intervention Drug Rehab Association

175 South 3rd Street Columbus, OH 43215

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Sometimes, knowing when and where to reach out to a professional for addiction recovery treatment is the most difficult part of overcoming addiction to drugs and alcohol. Our network of providers is committed to working hard and creating an individualized addiction treatment program that will prepare you for successful and lasting sobriety. Intervention Drug Rehab Association Columbus, Ohio knows that no two individuals have faced the same struggles and experiences with substance abuse and we believe that customized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s needs are the key to recovery.

Intervention Drug Rehab Association Columbus, Ohio operates as a dual diagnosis treatment facility where our physicians and counselors work together in order to identify and address the physical and psychological side effects of prolonged addiction. Our addiction treatment programs last 30, 60, or 90 days depending on the severity of your addiction and assessments administered during intake. We accept new patients on a rolling enrollment basis in order to maintain a low capacity and provide comprehensive care as well as constant access to our broad spectrum of services for all of our in-house patients.

You or your loved one will begin your addiction recovery program with a period of detoxification. Sometimes our patients are worried about recovery being impossible because of unpleasant withdrawals. Here at Intervention Drug Rehab Association Columbus, Ohio, our physicians administer a medically assisted detox in order to ease you into a restful detox period. The stabilizing medication is regulated and non-addictive so that your safety and comfort will be maintained throughout the entire process.

After patients are sober, it is important for each one to adopt sober social norms and interactions among others recovering at our luxurious sober living facilities. Intervention Drug Rehab Association Columbus, Ohio teaches relapse prevention techniques and positive coping mechanisms which restore clarity and self-control during times of temptation and emotional distress. Exercise, meditation, group therapy, one on one counseling, 12 step programs and other positive practices fall into this category, and with the guidance of our counselors and case managers, you will discover which ones work for you during your 30, 60, or 90 day addiction recovery program.

Once you feel confident in your sobriety and are able to integrate our relapse prevention techniques into daily life, Intervention Drug Rehab Association Columbus, Ohio offers professional preparation services to help you get ready for employment. You can participate in simulated interviews or get help crafting a quality resume in order to stand out above the rest during your employment search. Our network of providers is dedicated to helping you get ready for a life of successful sobriety and maximized potential.

Call our compassionate network of providers with Intervention Drug Rehab Association Columbus, Ohio now to discuss any questions or concerns you might have regarding drugs or alcohol abuse recovery for you or someone you know. Our case managers are ready and waiting to speak with you about creating a customized addiction recovery program tailored to ensure your sobriety and success.

Intervention Drug Rehab Association
175 South 3rd Street
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 645-2258


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