Intervention Association Portland


6443 Southwest Beaverton Hillsdale Highway, #322
Portland, OR 97221


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Addiction Recovery: Why You Shouldn’t Do It Alone
Knowing that you have to recover from your substance abuse addiction is important, but so is selecting the right method for doing so. Some people decide that they want to recover without the assistance of Intervention Drug Rehab Portland Oregon, and they can meet a number of pitfalls with this decision. Instead of creating this deleterious situation for yourself, consider the problems that exist when you decide to self-treat.

Little Accountability
When you enroll in a program at Intervention substance abuse recovery Portland Oregon, you have professionals there who help to monitor your progress. Also, they can teach you proficient methods for monitoring your own progress on your substance abuse recovery journey. If you try to recover by yourself, you do not have anyone to report to. Even if you have self-recording methods, you may find that you become lazy with them.

Health Concerns
Also, you do not have the ability to fully examine your own state of health without the assistance of a licensed professional. Unbeknownst to you, the drug or alcohol addiction may have taken a major toll on your body. Experts at Intervention addiction recovery Portland OR can help to identify these problems and keep you safe from further damage. You may find yourself able to remove drugs and alcohol from your life at home; however, that doesn’t mean you have resolved the problems lurking in your body.

Withdrawal Symptoms
In addition to health problems that your drug or alcohol addiction may have already caused, you can also experience serious withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may lead to more physical problems, and they could even lead to death. Intervention Drug Rehab Portland offers a supervised detox program. You have specialists there to prevent you from seeking out drugs and alcohol while you withdraw, and they are also available if the withdrawal starts to take a serious and alarming toll on your health.

When you are going through recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, you may feel isolated from other people. You are changing your life, but you might see yourself as going through this process alone. Chances are that you will feel as though no one really understands you. You can meet plenty of peers who are experiencing similar situations. Furthermore, you may discover that some of the staff members have recovered from their own battles with drugs or alcohol addiction. You can become part of a community instead of a person dealing with these struggles alone.

Lack of Communication
If you attempt to recover by yourself, you also may not have anyone with whom to communicate. Therapy sessions are a part of the treatment program at Portland Intervention Drug Rehab, so you can the chance to express your individual concerns and to talk with other people at the facility. Communication is important because you can alleviate some of your fears and you can talk to therapists about what your next step is. Without these important types of communication, your thoughts may all become trapped in your head.

Triggers in Your Environment
At Intervention Portland addiction recovery center, you will learn how to identify triggers in your environment and how to deal with them. Completing eliminating all triggers is often impossible. Therefore, the idea is not to get rid of them but to understand how to respond when they come into fruition. If you are going through addiction recovery without assistance, you may not even know what triggers are or what triggers you, let alone how to respond to them.

Attempting to endure addiction recovery by yourself is not the best idea for an array of reasons. Instead, you can speak with a representative at Intervention Drug Rehab facility Portland, OR, to get started on a personal plan for recovery.


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