
Drug Addiction and Denial

Drug Addiction and Denial

Drug Addiction and Denial

Drug addiction can be a slippery slope. What starts out as a way to unwind or party on the weekends slowly creeps into the rest of the week, until you’re using drugs or alcohol every day. No one wants to admit that they’re addicted. I’m not a drunk, they rationalize. I hold down a steady job. Some people don’t even consider the possibility that they might be addicted. But this denial, conscious or not, bars people from getting help in addiction recovery centers and sends family and friends into a tailspin of frustration and worry.

Oftentimes, when people don’t fit into a rigid definition or stereotype of a drug addict, they reject the idea entirely, and are unaware of their own problems. Some people exclusively hang out with others who also drink and use drugs, and within that culture, they’re perceived as normal. For some, denial is a function of blindness to the problem, and blindness keeps people from seeking treatment in drug rehab.

But some people aren’t blind to their addiction, and may be aware of the personal effects of their addiction, such as how frequently they drink or the number of DUIs they’ve accrued. At the same time, these people can be totally oblivious to how their actions affect the people around them. They might be clueless as to how their addiction is affecting their relationships, career, or family. But if people don’t admit that they have a problem, they won’t get help in an addiction treatment facility. They’ll also strongly react to people who suggest that they need help.

People with substance use disorders are notorious for the justifications they offer up to brush aside their addiction. “I can stop anytime I want,” someone indignantly says. These people feel like they have control over their drug usage, but the truth is the exact opposite. “If everyone left me alone, I’d be fine,” a person mutters. This statement reflects the immaturity brought on by addiction. Instead of accepting responsibility for their actions, the addict projects the blame onto everyone else in their life. “It’s my life, I can make my own choices,” someone may sputter. This is one of the most egregious excuses, because, in fact, addiction doesn’t just affect the person with the substance use disorder. Family, spouses, children, friends, coworkers, and so many others are directly impacted by addiction.

If you or someone you love is struggling with drug addiction, cast off the denial and call or email Intervention Drug Rehab Association today to learn about our luxury drug rehab program. Our compassionate and experienced staff are trained to treat dual diagnosis and provide safe detoxification. During treatment, our clients learn essential skills for coping with cravings, participate in group and individual counseling meetings, and get to the root of their addiction. When clients leave, they have the support of a sober community of peers and mentors. Please contact us today to turn the page and start a fresh chapter in your life, free from the hold of addiction.

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