
Addiction and the Needs of LGBTQ Individuals

Addiction and the Needs of LGBTQ Individuals

Addiction and the Needs of LGBTQ Individuals

When one is searching for the right addiction treatment program, the search can become even further complicated by the need to find a program that is open and accepting of individuals from all walks of life. Oftentimes drug rehab centers and addiction treatment programs are religious based and either ban LGBTQ individuals from attending or attempt to force them to adopt certain religious beliefs. During the already trying time of being in treatment, it is important to be able to recover somewhere that accepts you for who you are.

We know that psychological distress can lead to substance abuse and mental health disorders. It is true that we all go through various stages of stress; however, those in LGBTQ community tend to go through it more often not just because of intolerable parents but also the discriminating society. Isolation and rejection are oftentimes root causes of alcohol and drug abuse. The LGBTQ community is not just discriminated at work but also in their issues around healthcare, death, employment and housing etc. writes that gay and transgender people in 29 states may be legally discriminated against, fired, or denied employment based upon their gender identity or sexual orientation. They go on to note that a reported 90 percent of transgender individuals and 43 percent of gay individuals experience harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

Below are some of the major researched facts collected from various places for you to be aware of your surrounding activities and making those who hate on the LGBTQ community to realize how their words can make them (victims) suffer more than imagined. offers the following statistics in order to enlighten the addiction community as to the substance abuse and mental health issues that often affect the LGBTQ community:

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration estimates the percentage of the LGBTQ community who abuse drugs or alcohol to be as high as 20 to 30 percent, compared to only nine percent of the general population.
  • More than half of gay men will encounter an issue with chemical dependency or addiction over the course of their lifetimes
  • Studies also show that gay men are 3.5 times more likely to use marijuana, 9.5 times more likely to use heroin and 12.2 time more likely to use amphetamines than their heterosexual counterparts.
  • LGBTQ teenagers are nearly 200 percent more likely than straight teens to use illicit substances such as drugs or alcohol, according to a University of Pittsburgh Medical Center study.
  • 3% of LGBTQ students report feeling unsafe at their school because of their sexual orientation.
  • As many as 1 in 3 gay and lesbian youth have attempted suicide; a likelihood 2 — 3 times higher in LGBTQ than in heterosexual young people.

Intervention Drug Rehab Association creates customized addiction treatment programs for each of our clients. We welcome LGBTQ individuals and ensure that each client will receive treatment for addiction without being made to feel as if they do not belong. Call one of our helpful intake coordinators today for more information.

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