
Alternatives to the Twelve-Step Program

Alternatives to the Twelve-Step Program

Alternatives to the Twelve-Step Program

The 12-step program implemented by Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous have exploded with popularity, practiced by most drug rehab centers around the country. And people follow it religiously, attending multiple meetings a week, following the teachings and techniques that have helped thousands of people get out of drug addiction and alcoholism. The vast majority of these programs are faith-based recovery approaches, encouraging drug addicts and alcoholics to find their higher power in attempts to achieve lifelong sobriety after they have finished their stay an addiction recovery facility. Despite their undeniable success, the faith-based 12-step program may not be for everyone. For anyone that ardently believes in no higher power, or can’t interpret the idea in another way, the program is nullified by negating the ultimate goal of faith in what life has in store for you. Here are some alternative approaches you can find at substance abuse treatment clinics:

Holistic Drug Addiction Treatment

For those who are cannot reconcile with the idea of a higher power, but are spiritual individuals by nature, the holistic approach to addiction treatment may be for them. Instead of emphasizing faith, holistic treatments promote natural and cleansing activities to live a healthy life without drugs and alcohol. Holistic drug recovery can be practiced simultaneously with a 12-step program because much of the treatment focuses on activities like meditation, yoga, stress-reducing physical activity, and other sources of pensive, serene health tactics. Undoubtedly holistic treatment facilitates the recovery process by eliminating stress, reducing anxiety, and helping depression, but for many it is difficult to to break the destructive habits without a source of strict structure. It is always recommended that the individual has a stay at drug rehab clinic prior to practicing holistic treatment.

Individual Counseling

While 12-step meetings and programs may be promoted in individual drug counseling, they aren’t mandatory. Individual therapy with a psychologist can examine behavioral issues, mental illness, and overall status in life to find out what the core problem of the addiction is, and teach you how to overcome it. A key part of effective treatment is missing in group counseling, which is incessantly promoted to help share your feelings and struggles with others.

Group Counseling

Individual counseling is usually offered in conjunction with group therapy. Allowing everyone to vent their challenges as well as sharing tactics to overcome them. Not only does this help individuals feel better, it can lead to people in the group showing each other ways to beat triggers of addiction. Groups can also lead to forming lifelong bonds that will facilitate equally lasting sobriety. Both group and individual counseling should be preceded by a stay in an experienced drug detox clinic.

Hospital Detox and Short-Term Recovery

If a drug addict or alcoholic needs a place to detox, they can also find the resources at any general hosptial. It should be noted that employees at a hospital may not experts in drug addiction, their main concern is to get clients out of the hospital as quickly, and in as good of health, as possible. After a detox at a hospital, any combination of these treatment techniques can be applied with or without a stay at a substance addiction recovery center, but a stay for however long is alway recommended.

If you or anyone you know is struggling with substance abuse, please call Intervention Drug Rehab today so we can find the perfect drug addiction treatment center for you.

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