
How Elton John Helped Eminem Get Sober

How Elton John Helped Eminem Get Sober

How Elton John Helped Eminem Get Sober

The multiple personas of Marshall Mathers have shed light on the various magnifications of Eminem’s both truthful and fictional personalities. The shades of the infamous persona have always included the ugliness of crime, domestic abuse, and drug addiction. How fitting it is then that his drug addiction recovery was facilitated by none other than Elton John, the influential, eccentric, and affectionate teddy bear of a singer and songwriter.

When Eminem met Elton John he was knee deep in an addiction to prescription painkillers. When the rapper overdosed on a near fatal dose of methadone, he called Elton John before entering a drug rehab center. John, like Mathers, had gone to an addiction treatment facility in 1990 for cocaine addiction and alcoholism. Eminem said that Elton John understands the pressures of excessive fame, and the response of turning to drugs and alcohol to escape.

The two celebrities who once butt heads after a confrontation about the numerous homophobic slurs found in Eminem’s raps. Elton John, being a homosexual, did not take to such offensive comments. In the end, the two figured it out amongst themselves and eventually became very good friends. Eminem would often call Elton for advice. It probably was of no surprise to him when Eminem called asking what he should do to get sober at a substance abuse treatment facility.

After his struggle with cocaine, Elton John has becoming something of a celebrity rehab counselor, giving advice to various fame including Lady Gaga. His help wasn’t wanted everywhere, though. Apparently he reached out to help George Michael to help him with his addiction, suggesting an addiction recovery clinic, but the singer refused. John says that his reason for finally getting off drugs and helping others do the same came from getting to Ryan White, a teenager from Indiana who died from AIDS after a blood transfusion. The singer gives credit to his experience getting to know White as his wake up call for changing his life and facing his addictions.

Eminem has had much more going on in his life since he quit the pain pills. The rapper followed his 2009 record Relapse with 2010’s Recovery, apparently documenting his drug addiction and treatment at a drug rehab clinic. Mathers has since stayed clean and adopted his two nieces who he parents along with his daughter. It seems as though sobriety has given him the necessary resources to release new music, with 2013’s The Marshal Mathers LP 2, and to be able to be a better father.

If you or anyone you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol, there is truly no time to waste. Addiction is a debilitating disease that won’t go away unless you get the necessary professional assistance at an addiction recovery center. Don’t waste your life, call Intervention Association so we can connect you with the perfect drug rehab facility for the needs and position of the situation at hand. Become a better, more ambitious person, call us today to begin the first stages of your new life.

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