
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

The opioid epidemic has wreaked unbelievable destruction on our nation. In addition to shocking levels of overdoses and overflowing addiction treatment centers, one of the less obvious side effects is the phenomenon of grandparents raising their grandchildren. As parents become addicted to opiates such as heroin or prescription painkillers, grandparents step in for the wellbeing of the children. What results is a devastating reordering of the normal family structure.


The opioid epidemic claimed 29,467 lives in 2014. In the wake of this tragedy, children are left behind. In addition to overdose deaths and jail time, countless parents are seeking treatment in addiction recovery facilities and can’t care for their own children. This is when grandparents feel compelled to step forward and keep their grandchildren from being put into foster care. According to the New York Times, 2014 also saw 2.6 million grandparents caring for their grandchildren.


When their own kids are in drug rehab, jail, or dead, grandparents face a unique set of challenges. Although grandparents want the best for their grandchildren, the fact remains that not a single one of them expected to be changing diapers again at age 50, 60, or 70. Actually, most of them were planning on traveling, going on cruises, or taking up new hobbies. Instead, they must devote their time and energy to the care of their grandkids, signing on for another 18 years that they didn’t ask for. Suddenly, they’re caught between their grandkids and their kids, worrying and stressing about them both. Over time, grandparents can become resentful of their lot in life, and struggle with anger and bitterness. If possible, grandparents should find support groups or networks in their communities or even online to help them cope with the stress and negative feelings.


As they take in their grandchildren, grandparents also face gut-wrenching choices. Plans of retirement must be forestalled or inaugurated early as grandparents scramble to pay for daycare or cut their hours to watch the kids. Some are forced to move out of senior living because children aren’t allowed to live there. Still others aren’t in great physical health but choose to take the grandkids anyway, because they worry about putting them in foster care. Above all, grandparents don’t get to be grandparents, but have to be parents all over again and are robbed of the special bond between grandchildren and grandparents.


If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, please email or call our compassionate representatives at Intervention Drug Rehab Association today, and we’ll connect you with a luxury drug rehab program that fits your needs. After going through a safe and supervised detoxification, clients will recover in privacy, elegance, and comfort. One-on-one and group meetings will help clients discover the root of their addiction and build up a support network of peers and mentors. Clients will also learn essential skills for responding to stress and cravings and avoiding relapse. Please contact us today in order to save a life.


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