
Learning Sober Social Norms Helps Clients Thrive After Addiction Treatment

Learning Sober Social Norms Helps Clients Thrive After Addiction Treatment

What Are Sober Social Norms?

Sober social norms are just what they sound like – normal things that individuals do while sober! These norms can range from household chores to everyday responsibilities and even giving back to your community. Some examples of sober social norms are:

Establishing residency
Paying rent and bills on time
Holding down a steady job
Household chores
Volunteer work
Continuing education
Maintenance of bodily well-being

Intervention Drug Rehab Association knows just how it important it is to handle these responsibilities. That is why we include our professional preparation services program in each of our clients’ addiction recovery plans. Professional preparation services include classes on important topics like the ones listed above. Our licensed and trained counselors will work with each client to teach them how to commit to these responsibilities. Professional preparation services at our drug rehab center also include:

classes on the effects and dangers of stimulants and depressants
one-on-one meetings with career counselors to receive assistance with creating quality resumes
simulated interviews to prepare clients for their job search after treatment

All of these classes and skill-building seminars are designed to equip our clients with the necessary skills and tools to thrive after treatment and maintain their sobriety. Before clients can utilize our professional preparation services, however, there are a few steps they must first complete.

Addiction Treatment Programs

All of Intervention Drug Rehab Association’s addiction treatment programs are fully customized to each client’s specific needs, substance abuse history, and severity of addiction. Our network of providers operates differently than some other addiction treatment programs in that we are committed to utilizing dual diagnosis techniques. Our physicians and counselors work together at identifying and treating psychological and physical aspects of your disease in order to cut off ties to substance abuse at the source. The first step in any addiction recovery program is detox. Many clients are concerned that dealing with withdrawals will cause sobriety to be unattainable. Our staff uses a clinically managed detox to guide you through a peaceful detox process. Evaluations performed by case managers will inform them of your required support levels, which will ensure your comfort and safety throughout detox. Detox is important to undergo at the beginning of an addiction treatment recovery because it allows the brain and the body to communicate without any inhibiting toxins in the way.

We accept new clients on a balanced, rolling enrollment basis in order to keep a decreased capacity. This ensures that our network of providers is able to offer the highest quality of care. Low client intake makes it possible for us to provide consistent access to our broad spectrum of services and comprehensive care at all times. We know that asking for help can be the most difficult part of the addiction recovery process. Give our supportive network of providers a call to talk about starting a recovery program that is personalized just for you. Begin your journey toward a full recovery today.

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