
Searching for Drug-Free Employees in New Mexico

Searching for Drug-Free Employees in New Mexico

Searching for Drug-Free Employees in New Mexico

New Mexico’s impending meth epidemic was partially illuminated by television phenomenon Breaking Bad. What the show didn’t fully explore though, was the full scale of effects such an issue has on the people of the community that includes both drug addicts and the average person.

One issue that was overlooked by the TV spectacle was the ability for employers to have clean, sober employees. Jalayne Wineland, who is a New Mexico-based staffer, told the Albuquerque Journal that she has to choose two final candidates for the available position because one of them will inevitably fail the drug test. Either that or they fail the background check, which is usually due to a drug related crime like a DUI. This is particularly acute in working class production jobs.

New Mexico is the leading state for mining a number of different minerals including copper. Mining is often a difficult job, requiring long hours underground in harsh, dangerous conditions. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health found in 2015 that almost 12 percent of miners have had a substance abuse disorder in the past year. If you or anyone you love is addicted to drugs, please call United Drug Rehab Group so we can help identify the problem and connect you with the ideal drug rehab center that fits the needs of the particular situation.

Methamphetamines, or commonly called crystal meth, is the viciously addictive drug of choice in New Mexico. Side effects may include hallucinations, paranoia, incessant scratching, cleaning, and delusional behavior. Withdrawing from meth can mean vomiting, nausea, increased heart-rate, stroke, and a variety of other harmful and dangerous symptoms. Getting people off this drug immediately will hinder the market and less meth labs, like the one found in Breaking Bad, will surface and make money off of the drug sales.

As the state of New Mexico struggles to get its people off methamphetamines, employers are fighting for the entry-level employees that can pass both a drug test and a background check. It isn’t easy. Employers all across the state are struggling to find the blue-collar workers that they need because many are failing the tests.

To solve the problem of employment, New Mexico must first figure out what to do about the addiction epidemic. In 2010, New Mexico had the second highest rate of drug overdoses in all of the United States. In 2011, 521 deaths were reported. Nothing will allow employers to have the workers they want, and for blue-collar employees to get the jobs they need, unless the addiction and overdose rates are dramatically lowered. Then, perhaps with a prosperous and sober population can New Mexico have the optimum rates of employment and average income.

If you or anyone you know is addicted to drugs or alcohol, there isn’t time to waste. Please call Addiction Now so we can get a feel for the situation and recommend an esteemed, highly trained addiction recovery facility that meets your every need.

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