
Summer and Underage Drinking

Summer and Underage Drinking

Summer and Underage Drinking

Summer is a time for relaxation and celebration, and, for kids in high school, a break from homework and classes. But summer is also a time for increased experimentation and elevated drinking patterns in underage kids, leading to increased drunk driving, risk of addiction, and stays in addiction recovery centers.

According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving, a study that surveyed Americans ages 18 to 40 found that 61% said summer is the time of the year that underage kids are most likely to drink alcohol. Some experts have even called the stretch of time between Memorial Day and Labor Day “the 100 deadliest days,” because teen drivers are more likely to engage in drunk driving. And according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, June and July see 11,000 kids try alcohol for the first time every single day. These figures are worrying, as adolescents are more vulnerable to developing an addiction and needing help in drug rehab than adults.

Why do kids drink more in the summer? There are a number of reasons. Events and celebrations abound—often with open and unattended coolers that can tempt teens to try a beer or two. Barbecues and beach cookouts are a great way to celebrate, but be sure to keep an eye on any underage kids. Summer is also a time of less restrictions for kids, as parents are usually at work and can’t monitor them all the time. Lax curfews can also encourage kids to get into trouble

How can parents ensure that their underage kids aren’t drinking in the summer? They can approach the topic with their teens openly and honestly, establishing a precedent of love and mutual respect. Ensuring your teen is comfortable talking about these issues increases the chance that they will open up and get help from an addiction treatment facility if they need it. Be present and vulnerable with your teen, making one-on-one time to hear about their struggles, triumphs, and thoughts. Gather together as a family as much as possible, and foster healthy family dynamics. Make sure your teens know that there are rules and consequences for breaking the rules, and follow through on enforcing when they do break the rules. During the summer, encourage them to get involved in summer activities; like a sports league or art or dance classes, to help keep them occupied and out of trouble.

If you or a loved one is addicted to alcohol or other drugs, please call or email our understanding representatives today to get back on the right track. We’ll help you find a luxury drug rehab program where clients are treated with dignity and respect and recover in privacy and comfort. Treatment focuses on individual and group meetings and allows clients to discover the causes of their addiction, develop skills and methods for responding to and dealing with stress and chaos, and build up a community of like-minded sober peers and mentors who will support them when treatment ends. Please contact Intervention Drug Rehab Association today.

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