
The Brain Disease of Addiction

The Brain Disease of Addiction

A concept that has been evolved with scientific advances is that addiction is considered to be a brain disease. It develops over the passage of time due to initially voluntary behavior addiction, which can change the brain structure and the way it functions even after you have given up on it. Neuroadaptive changes and strengthening of new memory connection is where the addictions come from. Likewise the field of psychiatry is mainly reserved for medical treatment of substance abuse disorders

Harking back it is a common perception that the drug addicts are considered morally inferior and weak. Drugs can not only affect us physically, but also control brains. This is why drug use changes the function of the brain. Where the person has no control on his will power too. How scientist proves evidence to this idea? It is true that drugs hijacks brain and changes people’s behavior. But still how it is termed as a disease of the brain surprises many.

The brain’s main function is to regulate every other system in the body. It is the control center of the body. From every thought to feelings, memory for actions, it is the result of processes that occurs in the brain. So the function of the brain is mainly mind. Any effect on the brain can alter everything from the way we process or thinking and our actions. All in all drugs directly affect the brain in comparison to other organs.

When a drug enters into a body, it stimulates, affects and interacts with brain cells. For example, cocaine, blocks certain protein molecules which are responsible for clearing neurotransmitters like dopamine from the synapse. As a result, transporter molecules don’t work and dopamine molecules accumulate in the synapse. Through the usage of neuroimaging techniques one can monitor different activities in the particular brain region. It has been found out cocaine addicts have reduced sensitivity of dopamine neurons. As a result, the neurons function is altered. It increases usage of cocaine to return dopamine activity and mood to normal.

When the brain function under drug usage, it is clear that the behaviors and thought changes due to alteration in neuron functions. If the changes causes negative thoughts or behaviors, then it can be said that the brain dealing with disease. On the other hand, let’s consider hepatitis. Hepatitis virus infects liver and lead to skin discoloration. This is its symptom. Similarly when one is dealing with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, changes in brain activities and abilities occur right away. Because of this, the changes in behavior are considered to be symptoms of the disease. By relating the two diseases we can say that drug addiction is a disease.

The mind and brain behavior is complex to understand due to the fact that it seems as though human beings have control over their actions. If we feel low in energy, then the brain processes the sensation as hunger. Likewise, in drug addicts, the brain creates dysphoria and increases craving for food that eventually becomes dominant behavior. The point is that substances of abuse are extremely strong and cravings can become very intense. As a result, drug seeking and acquiring becomes the single focus. And if that goal is not achieved you not only hurt yourself but also others who are around you. The disease is created by these changes, and this is why addiction has been classified as such.

From drug rehab center to an addiction treatment center and all the way down to addiction recovery program drug addiction can be managed. Contact our helpful intake coordinators anytime, and learn more about all of our addiction treatment options.

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