
The Support You Need Is Right In Your Pocket

The Support You Need Is Right In Your Pocket

The Support You Need Is Right In Your Pocket

The Struggles of Addiction Recovery
Intervention Drug Rehab Association understands that addiction is a disease that affects the mind, body, and soul. It will not be an easy journey to sobriety; however, we can make it as comfortable as possible. Intervention Drug Rehab Association has a broad spectrum of pain free services that can provide you with the addiction treatment options you need during your 30, 60, to 90 day addiction recovery program. However, your recovery process shouldn’t stop here. When it comes time for you to return home, you can immerse yourself in a number of support groups that are provided by your community. You can even download an app that is able to help you through your addiction recovery at the touch of button located right in your pocket.

Check Your Smartphone!
Smartphones are the latest in technology. They have almost everything you can possibly need. They have a hands free GPS, calendars, reminders, and much more. Now, you can have an addiction recovery app right alongside the other apps you use to manage your life. You can thank the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center for that. Due to the tripling numbers of heroin addiction in Marion, Ohio, between the years of 2007 and 2013, Brandi Spaulding and her associates decided to do something about it. Psychology and computer science students, along with staff from the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, created an addiction recovery app that you can use twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. It is currently for Android phone owners who struggle with heroin abuse.

What Features Does This App Have?
The app has almost everything you need to keep yourself on the path of sobriety. When you download the free app, you are able to add ten supportive contacts that can include your friends, family, and even counselors. It keeps track of the number of days you have been sober and rewards you with coins for each milestone you accomplish. Within the app, you can look at daily inspirational quotes, testimonials from other recovering clients, and read motivational stories to keep your spirits positive. The app also keeps track of your mood, stress, and anxiety levels. The best part about this app is the panic button. If you ever feel that you are going to relapse, or find yourself in a moment of weakness, press the panic button. This immediately sends out a mass text to your ten supportive contacts that states “I need help, and I need it now.” Your support group will be able to be at your aid in a matter of seconds.

Coming Soon!
Those who have created the app want to add even more to its already astonishing capabilities. Creators such as Spaulding want the app to be available for iPhone user as well as all sorts of drug, alcohol, and even mental recovery scenarios. A GPS system will also be added to the app. With the GPS, you will be able to find a nearby location where addiction recovery meetings are taking place and it will also help when the panic button is pressed. The GPS will allow for support groups to locate you immediately, and if you are close by, they can come help you further. Creators even want to add a “trigger pop up menu” that can locate your triggers and ask “How are you doing?” Thanks to this app, you can continue your addiction recovery, healthy and sober.

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