
Various Therapeutic Options: Choose What’s Best for You!

Various Therapeutic Options: Choose What’s Best for You!

Various Therapeutic Options: Choose What’s Best for You!

At Intervention Drug Rehab Association, therapy is the backbone of our addiction recovery programs. Each client will go through a clinically managed detox at the beginning of treatment. Once you have completed detox, you will take up residence in one of our luxurious housing facilities. Here, you will have the chance to choose from a broad spectrum of therapeutic options, as you and your case manager work together to create a customized addiction treatment program that is tailored specifically to your needs!

Positive Coping Mechanisms

While living in our magnificent housing accommodations, you will work with your case manager and counselor to determine which positive coping mechanisms work best for you. We do not force all clients to participate in every activity. Our drug rehab center is truly committed to helping you discover what personally works for you. Our wide variety of options include various forms of yoga, meditation, art therapy classes, and more. These positive practices are designed to take the place of substance abuse when you are feeling tempted or triggered, as they restore clarity and self control during times of stress.

Sports and Exercise

Intervention Drug Rehab Association offers various ways to relieve stress and get in shape at the same time. Our facilities are located very close to many natural settings. We encourage our clients to participate in activities such as hiking, paddle boarding, kayaking, swimming, and more. Each of our housing facilities also has a 24 hour on-site fitness center for your enjoyment. When an individual is recovering from an addiction, the body misses out on the endorphins that were being created in the brain. The release of endorphins during exercise creates a natural high that can help give the brain and the body what they need.

Counseling and Family Services

When it comes to therapy, our network of providers encourages each client to take advantage of as many types of counseling as would benefit their personal situation. We offer individual counseling, a confidential setting where it is possible to explore the root of your addiction with a licensed professional. We also offer group therapy, but this is not a setting where you will be lectured or preached at. This forum is merely a place to hear from others who have been in similar situations to your own. If there are any lessons you choose to take from their words, it is entirely up to you. Group therapy is a great place to start opening up and bonding with others as you create your sober support network. Finally, we also offer family services. Family therapy is the perfect place to open up with family members about your addiction and to hear how addiction has affected their lives as well. These discussions are moderated by a therapist who will also help everyone prepare for your return home. Call our friendly intake coordinators today to discuss these options and much more. We are ready to help you walk down the road to total recovery.

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