
Ways to Intervene

Ways to Intervene

Ways to Intervene

It is our mission at Intervention Drug Rehab Association to ensure that all of our clients receive the absolute best addiction treatment program tailored to their specific needs. Your loved one may have already been to treatment at a drug rehab center, but it didn’t seem to stick. You might be hesitant to spend more time, energy, and money on finding more help for the person you care about. We know that it can feel disheartening to realize something went wrong the first time around, but there are many potential reasons for this, including: low quality addiction treatment, the addiction recovery program was not the right match, or maybe your loved one wasn’t committed to his or her recovery at that time and was unable to put forth the necessary effort.


It can often take more than one attempt at treatment for any behavioral change to occur; plus recovery never sticks when the individual has to be cajoled into attending treatment in the first place. Your desire for them to get help is not enough. They must desire the treatment for themselves. A federal study demonstrates that half of the people suffering from substance abuse do not want to seek help.


By using the CRAFT style of intervention (Community Reinforcement and Family Training), over 2/3rds of loved ones entered treatment. There are three steps in a CRAFT intervention. 1) Form a list of addiction recovery programs. You will need to make the preliminary calls to get the information regarding insurance, availability, and criteria for admission. 2) Take note of wishes. When your loved one says things like, “I wish I could get a job,” or, “I wish I had my own place,” they are wishing for life changes. This is a good time to say something. 3) Practice what you will say. Maybe you will say something like, “I understand. Those things can feel like an impossibility when you’re dependent on alcohol. If you’re ready to think about it, I found some customized addiction treatment options. Do you want to take a look at what I found?” If your loved one says no, do not press the issue. It can be revisited later. It may take several of these encounters before your loved one realizes what kind of life change needs to be made.


Intervention Drug Rehab Association offers a wide variety of addiction treatment options that are customizable for each client. Treatment begins with a supervised detox, which ensure that the client is comfortable and safe throughout the whole process. Following a successful detox, our clients live in luxury housing accommodations along with others who are in recovery. Clients will meet with therapists in group meetings, individual counseling, and family sessions. We also offer professional preparation services that are designed to help our clients create resumes, practice for interviews, and even apply to jobs. Contact our helpful intake coordinators at Intervention Drug Rehab Association today, and we will do everything we can to help your loved one.

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